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Strategic advice about entry into a new market segment for pharmaceutical wholesaler

12 July 2022
1 min.

Is entry into a new market segment the right and successful strategy for us? This is the question that GPP Support received from a pharmaceutical wholesaling organisation.


The primary attention points in the consultancy commission from the pharmaceutical wholesaler were:

  • Do we have an internal organisation that is capable of complying with the primary criteria, or can this be realised in the short term?
  • Is there room in the market for a new player?


The advice tailored to the specific question came into being based on extensive interviews with staff and customers. GPP Support also took care of the project setup and interim reports.


Based on a thorough investigation with three scenario descriptions and best practices, we supplied a final report with customised recommendations. From the three scenarios described, we proposed the scenario with a phased approach as the best and most potentially successful to the Board of the pharmaceutical wholesaler. This recommendation was accepted by the Board.

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